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5 things small business owners didn’t know they needed

Find out what you need to make your business thrive

Being a small business owner means wearing different hats. Sometimes you are filling a need in your community and other times you have the next great idea – or both! But when you are starting your small business there could be some things you didn’t know you would need.

Let’s look at a list of things small business owners should know:

  • Establish a business plan – When you are starting your business, it is important to establish a business plan. This plan should have your goals for the business, how you plan to achieve them as well as your timeframe.
  • Gain financial support – Once you’ve fleshed out your idea and business plan, the next step is to gain financial support. Financial institutions can be great resources, and many offer Small Business Administration (SBA) loans. An SBA loan can provide lower down payments and flexible terms if you need financial assistance when you are starting or expanding your business. 
  • Stick to a budget – Just like you would make a budget in your personal life, it is important to make a budget for your small business and stick with it.
  • Customer service is key – Knowing your customers and building a loyal customer base is the best way to keep them coming back again and again.
  • Your team is critical – Having the right business partners can help launch your business and the same can be said for employees. It is important to pick partners you can rely on in areas such as legal, accounting, and finance.
  • Don’t forget to market your business – If you tell them, they will come. It may seem simple, but if your community does not know about your product or service, they won’t know to come to your business. Make sure you are using the resources available to you, whether that is social media, a website, family and friends, and word of mouth.

Let’s review:

Don’t cut corners. It is important to ensure you are setting yourself up for success so your business will thrive. Simmons Bank is an SBA-preferred and can streamline the loan process by acting as a direct agent on behalf of the Small Business Administration.  If you have questions about how we can help you, contact us today!

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